Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Como Mantener tu Salud Mental

En los últimos años la mucha gente se ha dado cuenta de la importancia de una dieta apropiada y acompañada de ejercicio físico. En los pasados 20 años sin duda ha habido un cambio en cuanto al estado de salud de muchas sociedades, que ha determinado una mejor calidad de vida. Sin embargo, esto no ha traído salud mental que es tan importante como la salud física.

Hoy en día, la mayoría de la gente hace de 4 a 6 horas de ejercicio por día, y se asegura de que todo lo que ingiere, no tiene azucares o preservantes, pero no prestan atención a su salud mental. Es decir, mucha gente no toma las vacaciones necesarias, ni siquiera en los fines de semana largos. La gente trabaja 60 horas por semana, llevándose a las casas los problemas del trabajo y trabajando los fines de semana también. Todo esto con esperanzas de mejorar la calidad de vida material. Pero, ¿de que sirve todo el esfuerzo cuando el cerebro esta abundado y sientes explotar en la oficina?

Al final, la salud física puede sufrir no importa que bien comas y hagas ejercicio. Probablemente tengas alta presión, estrés y tensión lo cual pondrá en alto riesgo tu salud.

Para ayudarte a evitar llegar a alguna de las anteriores situaciones, aquí te presento algunos consejos para mejorar tu condición mental.

Si disfrutas la adrenalina, te recomiendo que pruebes deportes como kite surfing, bunge jumping, y demás. Si disfrutas andar en motocicleta es muy bueno andar en contra del viento como terapia para relajarse y disfrutar un buen viaje.

Buscar actividades que te desconecten de la rutina diaria (la cual a veces puede ser estresante) es la clave principal. Por ejemplo, si disfrutas leer, un buen libro de ciencia ficción como "Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings" u otros pueden ser perfectos para ti. Si disfrutas en cambio mirar películas, entonces comienza con hacerte socio de una tienda de DVDs y veras que bien te hará.

Actividades como paseos fuera de la ciudad, visitar viñedos, campos, parques y demás son esenciales a la hora de relajarse. Si disfrutas las montañas, todavía puedes ir a visitar la nieve, esquiar y aflojar tu mente. Las vacaciones, por más pequeñas que sean te llenaran el alma con memorias alegres y positivas.

Si disfrutas andar en bicicleta, o en patines esas son actividades que te destaparan y ayudaran a sentirte mejor. Siempre es divertido hacerlo con amigos que estén dispuestos a un poco de aventura. Organizar un grupo grande de gente que quiera hacerlo es una buena idea, que los puede llevar a conocer lugares que nunca creías que ibas a encontrar. Ríos abandonados, pasajes que están cerrados para la gente, bosques y demás lugares increíbles para conocer.

En fin, hay un sin fin de actividades para llevar a cabo si buscas caminos diferentes para mejorar tu salud mental y relajarte naturalmente. No olvides que la salud mental es tan importante como la física y que para tener una hay que tener la otra!

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Como Ganar en el Bacara

El clásico juego de casino Bacará es conocido por ser el juego preferido del famoso agente secreto 007 James Bond. Las versiones del Bacará son Punto Banca, Las Vegas y Chemin de Fer (el de James Bond). El juego fue originado a fines de 1400 y principios de 1500 ya era conocido en Europa, especialmente en Italia y Francia, luego Inglaterra continuando con Estados Unidos.

La gran particularidad del juego es que los participantes ganan altas sumas de dinero y por otro lado, el casino no presenta alto porcentaje de ventaja lo cual es ideal para los jugadores. En el resto de los juegos de casino pasa lo opuesto, ganas pequeñinas sumas y el casino se lleva un alto porcentaje.

Las reglas básicas del Bacará son bastante simples y fáciles para cualquiera que desee aprender. Los jugadores deberán apostar en aquel que su mano de naipes sea lo mas cercano a 9 en su suma. Si por ejemplo el primer naipe es de nueve, se llaman nueve natural, o si suma ocho la petite ocho en francés.

Los dos jugadores son la "banca" y el "jugador" y el que en su mano es mas cercano a 9 ganara la jugada. Si por ejemplo el jugador obtiene el puntaje mas alto en sus dos primeros naipes, la banca no podrá tirar un tercer naipe.

Es una gran ventaja que no se necesita tener experiencia para jugar, apostar y llegar en el Bacara es por eso que es fácil e importante aprender para luego practicar en línea o en el casino y divertirse.

La particularidad del juego es su estilo glamoroso y elegante, el cual lo ha hecho popular en su personaje de James Bond, el cual suele apostar con excelencia en sus películas desde los 50. Primero con John Connery, y luego con Pierce Brosnan siempre el juego estuvo presente.

Los valores de los naipes en Bacará, son bastante particulares ya que el 10 y las figuras suman cero o Bacará. Claro que el 9 es el valor deseado a obtener, luego el 8 y los demás números valen según sus números. Es decir si tienes un 7 y un 4 suman 11 y como el primer digito desaparece, vale 1. El naipe de As tiene un valor de 1, es así como un As y el 9 suman 10 convirtiéndose en cero.

La Banca y Jugador son los denominadores de las apuestas del juego. El estilo lujoso que presenta el Bacará, es único y lo puedes hacer en línea o desde los casinos clásicos, ganado grandes montos y con un poco de experiencia puedes convertirte en un gran jugador de estilo.

El clásico juego de James Bond es sin duda muy simple y entretenido para jugar con amigos en el casino, en línea y divertirse un buen rato. Si tienes tiempo de dedicar para practicar veras que este juego es un gran descubrimiento en donde podrás quien sabe ganar altas sumas de dinero que nunca creías que iba a pasar.

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Como hacer que tu tiempo sin compania valga la pena

Cuando empecé a escribir este articulo, pensé en como pase el ultimo mes sin necesidad de un compañero y aun así, muy entretenida. Es importante clarificar que sea la razón que sea que te encuentras sola o solo, mejor así que mal acompañado! Y que no hay por que avergonzarse! Una vez teniendo eso claro ya llega mi lista de recomendaciones, entretenimientos para ti.

Datos útiles para ayudarte a conectarte con ti misma:

1) Si eres miembro de un DVD club cerca de tu casa, mejor. Sino, hazte miembro! Películas que valen la pena para una noche que buscas un poco de acción: The Man Inside (con Live Owen y Denzel Washington), Blood Diamonds (Con Leonardo Di Caprio), Babel (Con Brad Pitt) entre otras.

2) Si estas con amigas y quieren algo romántico, Prime (con Uma Thurman), In her Shoes (Cameron Dias), The Hollyday, (Cameron Dias, Kate Winslet).

3) Si buscas reirte con algo simple y un poco ridículo te recomiendo My Super Ex Girlfriend (Uma Thurman), Just Married, Monster in Law, y The Devil wears Prada.

4) Hablando de satisfacción culinaria, puedes averigua de buenos restaurantes delivery, en Sushi, Pizza, Pasta, Chino, Japonés, cualquiera sea que te guste mas. Si no estas en el humor de ordenar comida y disfrutas de cocinar es una buena opción!

5) Para descargar toda la mala energía o para refrescar tu mente reincorporarte en el deporte que mas disfrutes. Patinaje, Yoga, bicicleta, Gimnasio, etc. Te ayudara a sacar todas las preocupaciones y retomar energías. Si es un día soleado aprovecha una buena caminata o corrida con tu I-pod y relájate!

6) Si disfrutas leer, la literatura también es un buen método para ti. Autores como Pablo Cohelo, cuentos de Harry Potter, Gabriel García Marques, son mis preferidos para desconectarte de la realidad y pasar al mundo de lo imaginario.

7) Juegos en Linea son una gran opción si disfrutas juegos de azar o de mesa. Puedes jugar gratis o por dinero al Black Jack al Póquer mientras chateas con otros jugadores en línea.

8) La música es un acompañante esencial para muchas actividades. En el Jazz, Bossa Nova, Blues, y Soul mis recomendados son Ray Charles, Norah Jones, Maxwell, Jewel, Sting, Sade, Bilberto Gil y Tony Bennet.

Sin duda hay un sin fin de entretenimientos y cosas para disfruta de una noche o día sin compañero y aun así utilizar el tiempo de la mejor manera posible. Películas de acción, libros de fantasía deportes, música, buena comida, pueden ahora ser tus buenos amigos.

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Como Controlar Adiccion a las Apuestas

Dicen que el primer paso para detener una adicción es admitir que tienes un problema. Aquí te presento una serie de consejos para tratar a un ser querido que es adicto a las apuestas de una forma efectiva.

Tratar con alguien que tiene una adicción a las apuestas puede ser doloroso. Tienen una tendencia a desconectarse de la familia y de los seres queridos, entonces a continuación te explicare lo que debes hacer en el caso que alguien que quieres es adicto a las apuestas.

Algunos de los pasos son difíciles, sin embargo tienen un muy buen resultado y son importantes tener en cuenta la hora de actuar.

La primer cosa que debes hacer es esconder tus objetos de valor, y si esta persona vive contigo, deberás mantenerlos bajo llaves y si eso no es posible entonces llevarlos a un banco bajo una caja de seguridad.

Si esta persona es tu hijo o pareja, entonces deberás limitar su acceso a tu dinero. En muchas circunstancias gente ha gastado los ahorros familiares y ahorros para la universidad de sus hijos. Entonces si puedes obtener el número de cuentas de la persona indicada, si no es demasiado tarde, y cancelar todas sus tarjetas de crédito.

En algún momento deberás confrontarlo. Cuado lo hagas, es importante no gritarle y no enojarse; sino diles como te afecta lo que están haciendo. Asegurate de que la gente cercana a ellos estén ahí para ayudarte y apoyarte (sin contradecirte).

Es importante que todos tomen turnos y le digan a la persona como su adicción a las apuestas ha afectado sus relaciones, sin hacerlo agresivamente, sino tranquilamente. Esto ayudara a la persona a darse cuenta que la gente que lo quiere esta viendo algo que el no ve, y comenzara a mirar a sus acciones con otros ojos.

Recuerda, el objetivo de confrontarlo no es de hacerlos dejar de apostar completamente, pero ayudarlos a reconocer que tienen un problema. Y buscar ayuda profesional.

Algunas personas recomiendan que lleves a la persona a Encuentros de Adictos Anónimos a las Apuestas, pero yo no creo que sea buena idea. Aunque esta sea una organización que ayuda a aquellos con problemas de apuestas a alejarse de ellas, creo que algunos necesitan una sesión o dos con un psicólogo o un consejero entrenado para tratar con adictos al juego.

Luego de que todo este dicho y hecho, deberás estar listo ya que la mayor parte del tiempo el apostador seguirá apostando, quizás lo intenten hacer en secreto pero no se detendrá completamente.

En la mayoría de las adicciones, la persona con el problema necesita tocar el fondo, y luego cuando haya perdido todo lo que significa para el importante (familia, amigos, trabajo), comenzaran a ver el problema y buscar ayuda. Si conoces a alguien que no admite tener el problema de ser adicto, te recomiendo que si ya has intentado tu mejor esfuerzo, deberás estar listo a alejarte, y recuerda que en algún punto debes abandonar a un barco hundido antes de ir abajo a buscarlo.

Para encontrar más información sobre el tema puedes buscar en Apostadores Anónimos.

Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Communication par Internet entre Franchiseurs et Franchises

Cette communication entre franchiseurs et franchisés peut donc se faire aujourd'hui via Internet ou câbles de d'interconnexion reliant les franchises via leur réseau et permet de rentabiliser le travail des franchisés par le gain de temps en recherche d'informations si ce dernier est correctement utilisé.

Les franchisés peuvent alors passer leurs commandes en ligne et contrôler les dates de livraisons. La plus part des grandes franchises utilisent le système "à la minute", qui permet de connaître au moment précis l'état des stocks ou encore les livraisons effectuées à leur franchisés. Cela a donc réellement permis d'activer le processus et signifie également que le franchisé peut mieux réorganiser ses stocks sans être à court au moment X.

Les systèmes les plus pointus permettent également aux franchisés de s'approvisionner auprès d'un autre franchisé si le franchiseur est à cours de stock.

Les demandes peuvent être connectées au réseau et toutes les ventes peuvent être relayées auprès des franchiseurs. Cela implique donc que la plus part des cas des demandes d'ordres peuvent être retirées directement par le franchisé.

Pour le franchiseur, cela est fantastique car il n'est alors plus nécessaire de perdre du temps à rechercher le franchisé disposant de la quantité adéquate désirée qui pourrait répondre urgemment à la demande.

Les franchisés en tire un avantage certain car ils voient leur travail diminué et leur permet de passer plus de temps sur les problèmes marketings et la gestion de la relation clientèle.

Par ailleurs, les franchisés peuvent maintenant payer en même temps en ligne le franchiseur et les fournisseurs sans avoir recours aux carnets de chèques, enveloppes et postage. Une solution simple de payement en ligne donne de nombreux avantages que ne peuvent procurer les méthodes de payements classiques. En plus d'augmenter leur facilité de caisse, ce système leur permet également de réduire les risques de fraude.

Par exemple, une grande société de jeux carte possédant bon nombre de franchises. L'une d'entre elle se retrouve à cours de jeux que l'on vient de lui demander. Un simple passage sur Intranet et elle peut alors renseigner exactement son client quant aux délais de livraison du produit.

D'autres systèmes encore plus perfectionnés permettent de voir leurs comptes, rendant alors leur travail plus aisé grâce à une analyse plus objective. Le comptable est ainsi capable de voir en temps et en heure toute transaction effectuée et de récupérer les données des autres franchises.

Mais l'Intranet permet aussi à l'entreprise d'y déposer ses brochures, de visionner les dernières vidéos publicitaires de la société et éventuellement aider les franchiseurs en leur adressant un feedback sur la manière d'améliorer leur politique marketing pour le futur. Ils peuvent également tenir leurs opérateurs informés de façon régulière de manière manuelle.

Pour cela, un accès Internet haut débit est obligatoire, les franchisés développant habituellement leur business depuis leur ordinateur. Cela implique au franchiseur de devoir former son franchisé quant à l'utilisation et la maintenance de leur outil informatique.

es franchiseurs aiment adopter ce système afin de renforcer l'image de marque de la compagnie et faire participer activement leurs franchisés au cœur de cette dernière.

Toutefois, les dangers de l'utilisation d'Internet (ou intranet) sont nombreux. Si le serveur principal des franchiseurs tombe en panne et ne dispose pas de back up adéquate ou une facilité d'accès d'autres serveurs, tous les réseaux des franchisés peut être pénalisé.

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Common Sense - The Missing Link in Online Business

I like to think that my approach to business is 1 part experience, 1 part research and 2 parts common sense. I know my business; that’s my experience. I read as much as I possibly can to strike a balance in my efforts between tried and true and newer methods of business planning and marketing. But to me, the most important, and often lacking in my opinion, is the common sense part of running any business, especially online.

I do not claim to be an expert in SEO or SEM or any of those acronym concepts. In fact, I’m not sure who legitimately can claim to be. In my observation, the rules to those theories seem to change daily if not more often. However, like most online entrepreneurs, I do try and pick up as much as I can from all sources in trying to market and run my business.

In working on both my own business and my client’s, I have found that too often I can get too focused on the technical aspects of my website and business. We are constantly inundated with tips, tricks and techniques for getting more traffic and finding new leads. Please don’t think I’m discounting any of those or disparaging those giving advice. On the contrary, I think it is necessary to take in as much information as possible in determining your own strategies. The problem, in my eyes, lies in getting too involved in these “new” concepts and losing sight or doubt your innate sense of how to do things.

I am not suggesting any hot new modes of marketing, nor am I guaranteeing any way of making thousands of dollars a week! I am merely suggesting that before, during and after implementing any new techniques, you always take a look at your website and all your materials from your customer’s point of view. Better yet, have someone else take a look.

Make sure that you have designed your site and written your copy in a way that is accessible to both ends of the spectrum: the techies and the technically challenged alike. In a perfect world, each visitor to your site would be very computer and internet savvy. Unfortunately, we all know it is not a perfect world. You must make your site as user-friendly as possible.

I spent a lot of time designing my website. I put a lot of thought into what I wanted to say, how I wanted to say it and how I wanted it to function. Those are all important things to consider and steps that must not be skipped. However, shortly after launching the site I discovered what I could improve.

The first thing I did when I uploaded the site was to inform all my friends and family. I knew within two days that I needed to make things a whole lot simpler! I had not taken into account that I have grown up in the internet age and things that I take for granted like knowing how to navigate a site via a site map or navigation bar are not second nature to everyone. I got the best feedback from my 91 year old grandfather who really wanted to see the whole site and know what it was all about. He tries so hard to keep up with the technology, but using the internet is not his cup of tea.

After speaking with him and a few other relatives, I sat down and took a hard look at my site. I went through and made two ways to get to every single page. I tried to simplify things as much as possible. I didn’t change the copy because I had made a point to write copy that was inviting to potential clients from any background. I used my keywords as much as I felt comfortable doing without sounding like a broken record.

Albert Einstein once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.” In our excitement to boost our search engine rankings and generate traffic, I think it’s important to remember those words. The more people who can use your site and hear your message; the more customers you will have!

I like to think that my approach to business is 1 part experience, 1 part research and 2 parts common sense. I know my business; that’s my experience. I read as much as I possibly can to strike a balance in my efforts between tried and true and newer methods of business planning and marketing. But to me, the most important, and often lacking in my opinion, is the common sense part of running any business, especially online.

I do not claim to be an expert in SEO or SEM or any of those acronym concepts. In fact, I’m not sure who legitimately can claim to be. In my observation, the rules to those theories seem to change daily if not more often. However, like most online entrepreneurs, I do try and pick up as much as I can from all sources in trying to market and run my business.

In working on both my own business and my client’s, I have found that too often I can get too focused on the technical aspects of my website and business. We are constantly inundated with tips, tricks and techniques for getting more traffic and finding new leads. Please don’t think I’m discounting any of those or disparaging those giving advice. On the contrary, I think it is necessary to take in as much information as possible in determining your own strategies. The problem, in my eyes, lies in getting too involved in these “new” concepts and losing sight or doubt your innate sense of how to do things.

I am not suggesting any hot new modes of marketing, nor am I guaranteeing any way of making thousands of dollars a week! I am merely suggesting that before, during and after implementing any new techniques, you always take a look at your website and all your materials from your customer’s point of view. Better yet, have someone else take a look.

Make sure that you have designed your site and written your copy in a way that is accessible to both ends of the spectrum: the techies and the technically challenged alike. In a perfect world, each visitor to your site would be very computer and internet savvy. Unfortunately, we all know it is not a perfect world. You must make your site as user-friendly as possible.

I spent a lot of time designing my website. I put a lot of thought into what I wanted to say, how I wanted to say it and how I wanted it to function. Those are all important things to consider and steps that must not be skipped. However, shortly after launching the site I discovered what I could improve.

The first thing I did when I uploaded the site was to inform all my friends and family. I knew within two days that I needed to make things a whole lot simpler! I had not taken into account that I have grown up in the internet age and things that I take for granted like knowing how to navigate a site via a site map or navigation bar are not second nature to everyone. I got the best feedback from my 91 year old grandfather who really wanted to see the whole site and know what it was all about. He tries so hard to keep up with the technology, but using the internet is not his cup of tea.

After speaking with him and a few other relatives, I sat down and took a hard look at my site. I went through and made two ways to get to every single page. I tried to simplify things as much as possible. I didn’t change the copy because I had made a point to write copy that was inviting to potential clients from any background. I used my keywords as much as I felt comfortable doing without sounding like a broken record.

Albert Einstein once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.” In our excitement to boost our search engine rankings and generate traffic, I think it’s important to remember those words. The more people who can use your site and hear your message; the more customers you will have!

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Comment Resserer les Liens de L'Amitie

Lors de multiples discussions avec de nombreuses femmes combinant vie professionnelle et vie familiale, il est toujours apparu le regret de ne pas avoir assez de temps pour soi. L'abandon au fur et a mesure du temps de ses amies d'antan, il en est ressorti que ce qui motive une personne a jouer de plus en plus au casino et autres jeux d'argent est son rapport a la vie.
Pour ces dernieres, la vie elle meme est un jeu. Respirer est un jeu,sortir hors de chez soi est un jeu, bref, meme le quotidien est un jeu. mais le casino, quant a lui, nous offre des sensations uniques car les paris ne sont, contrairement aux mouvemet quotidiens,bases que sur le fruit du hasard. Le casino procure a l'homme une montee d'adrenaline hors norme. Le risque est donc plus fort.

Ainsi, de cette etude. il en est ressorti les resultats suivants:

Le temps des vacances:

Ces 10 dernieres annees, Las Vegas est devenue l'endroit populaire pour jouer en famille car a la mise en place de systeme de resort et d'attractions familiales.

Pour gagner et devenir riche :

De toutes personnes interviewees ces personnes sont les plus representatives du phenomene. Elles sont venues au casino avec l'espoir de devenir riches et de pouvoir changer le cours de leur destin.

Problèmes d'argent :

Rejoint l'idee precedente. Beaucoup semble croire qu'ils peuvent regler leurs problemes d'argent en jouant. Or, il y a aussi de forte chance, si madame chance n'est pas la, qu'elles engrangent d'avantages de pertes et de problemes si elles ne peuvent gerer leurs jeux et leurs mises.

Salle de Mariage:

Pour certains, se rendre au casino est l'endroit ideal pour celebrer son mariage. Un peu comme dans une eglise quoi. Et de preference a Las Vegas ou Salt Lake City. Leurs salles deviennent a la mode pour ce genre d'evenement en raison de leur prix rentable, l'originalite de leur hall d'accueil et l'espace de la salle pouvant accueillir grand nombre d'invites.

Leurs revenus.

Pour certains, le casino est comme un metier. Certains y passent toute leur journee pour pouvoir remporter une sorte de "salaire" plus ou moins eleve d'ici la fin du mois.

Pour trouver l'ame soeur:

Vous n'imagineriez pas le nombre de personnes celibataires se rendant en casino lors de parties de celibataires, uniquement dns l'espoir de trouver l'ame soeur et pourtant. Grand nombre de personnes interrogees y ont mentionne ce desir.

Pour fuir de chez soi :

La majorite des personnes interrogees ayant repondu pour sortir de chez soi sont essentiellement des gens de la gente masculine, tous maries depuis plus de 10 ans et peres de famille. Ces derniers se rendent generalement au casino en moyenne une fois par mois pendant quelques heures avant de rentrer.

Pour le plaisir :

Ces personnes auraient eu la bonne reponse. Toutefois, j'ai du mal a croire que cette categorie, qui devrait apparaitre en premiere place, ne se trouve au final qu'au bas de la liste. En effet, jouer au casino devrait etre avant tout une partie de plaisir. Integrer une ambiance hors pair d'un casino reel, avoir des boissons gratuites et ameliorer leur techniques de jeux, telles sont leurs principales preoccupations.

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Combining Subscribe Button With A Help Button

Most sites, especially blogs have feeds associated with them, but Internet users do not know what a feed is or how to use it. You’ve probably seen the little orange button with white writing (XML,RSS, Feeds, Syndicate This Site) on a web page or blog post. If you are a non-techie, you must have wondered what this little button is for. To ensure that Internet users know what a feed is, Dave Winer, RSS creator, advocates the use of one simple and universal button Subscribe, which leads to feeds rather than using XML, RSS, Feeds, etc. Some web developers even combines the Subcribe button with a Help button that will lead web users to an explanatory page about subscribing and RSS.

About RSS, XML, Syndicate This Site Link

A button or a link that says Syndicate This Site, RSS, XML simply means that the article title, a link and a brief description for each new page or post are available for you to use on your site or to access through a newsfeed reader program.

RSS is a text-based format specified in XML (Extensible Markup Language). XML is useful in describing, sharing and transmitting data across the Internet. XML defines data and HTML displays that data. The RSS abbreviation is used to refer to the following standards – Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary, RDF (Resource Description Framework) Site Summary.

RSS feeds provide a list of items. Usually each item contains a title, summary, a link to the full version of the content and a link to a URL of the site. For the internet user, the ability to subscribe to content using RSS means that he gets content without having to browse from site to site and also of not having to worry about spam. The content goes to a newsfeed reader. He can choose whatever content he wants to subscribe to. For the content providers, RSS can help drive traffic to their sites by making it easy for users to be updated with new pages or blog posts.

A lot of sites include any one of the RSS, Syndicate This Site buttons. Clicking one of these buttons will take you to a broken page full of codes. Just copy the URL that appears in the address bar of the page or blog and use that URL to subscribe to the site in your newsfeed reader. The newsfeed reader will inform you when there is new content from a site you subscribed to.

When a site has an RSS feed, it is said to be syndicated. Syndication is a method through which web publishers and bloggers make their content available in a format that software can read. A newsfeed reader or news aggregator is software designed to subscribe to sites through syndication. A newsfeed reader automatically compiles latest contents of your sites that are RSS enabled. You can now view the sites’ updates in your newsfeed reader.

For example, you have several favorite travel websites. Rather than logging on to each one of these travel sites for fresh updates, you can just subscribe to their new contents (feeds) in your newsfeed reader software. A click of the RSS button will display a list of the headlines of all new entries from all the travel sites you subscribe to. Clicking the headline link will show a brief description for the entry and a link to the full version. You get to only read the entries that interest you.

You can install a newsfeed reader on your computer and have easy access to it on your desktop. You can also use an online newsfeed reader. Some of the more popular ones are FeedDemon for Windows, NetNewsWire for Mac OS X and Bloglines (web-based, free).

Once you’ve installed a newsfeed reader, you can then subscribe to feeds. Feeds are names given to sources of information utilized by newsfeed readers to obtain new contents and updates they display. Feeds are technically similar to web pages. However, web pages are written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language, standard language with which all web pages are built) readable by humans. Conversely, feeds are intended to be read or processed by software. Feeds are based on XML technology. Newsfeed readers allow you to subscribe to feeds in different methods. Most web pages or blog posts have a little orange button that says XML,RSS, Syndicate This Site.

Feeds are very useful. They notify Internet users of updates from favorite sites without visiting them one by one. Feeds also allow users to read fresh contents from one convenient location.

Subscribe Button with Help Button – User Friendly

If you have RSS feeds, you definitely would like visitors to your site to subscribe to them. This way your site doesn’t get buried in oblivion. You also want to make it easy for them to subscribe to your feeds. A Subscribe button together with a Help button will be very beneficial and at the same time user friendly to your visitors.

Instead of the terms XML, RSS, Syndicate This Site, you can just use Subscribe. It is a very simple word that visitors understand compared to XML, RSS, etc. The Subscribe button is a universal RSS subscription button that lets your visitors add your RSS feeds to the newsfeed reader easily. Visitors will just click the Subscribe button on your site and they are given the go signal to select the newsfeed reader where they want to add your RSS feed. A Subscribe button makes subscription to RSS feeds easy. You can also monitor how many visitors subscribe to your feeds. Visitors will have a satisfactory online experience and thus increase visitor loyalty. However, some visitors may not understand what the Subscribe button means. This is where the Help button comes in handy.

Vis a vis the Subscribe button, clicking the Help button will display links to pages with in-depth information about feeds and subscribing. The pages include basic information on feeds, newsfeed readers, links to further readings and tutorials.

Make it a point that the Subscribe and Help Button are displayed prominently on your site to draw visitors’ attention to your RSS feeds and give them convenient access to websites and blogs (the media sources).

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Combining Google Adwords And Clickbank Affiliate Program To Make Money

Our software sells to various types of traffic including make money, work from home, intenet bussiness, affiliate marketing, adwords, ppc, keywords, webmasters, ect. The main method that was revealed involved combining Google Adwords and the Clickbank affiliate program, to make money, online, everyday almost on autopilot.

The main method I have used to make money online from eBay is by running Google Adwords with my affiliate link. Realize that there is a learning cycle to the Google AdWords game and not everyone will make money right away. Google gets people to open an AdWords account but it only makes a sales and makes any money when someone clicks on an ad. If you find that this report will make and save you money, on your Google Adwords Campaigns, feel free to make a donation.

I think he was probably a little sleazy, but placing those tiny little AdWords ads can make you money on the web. And the more money they make selling their scams, the more they can pay to get pushed to the top of their adwords competitors. Bottomline, you spend money with adwords but make money with adsense.

Sadly though because so few people understand adwords fully most end up losing more money than they make! Beating Adwords gives you the tools necessary to actually make money online, it is not just a theory that sho... They read some e-book about how to make money with Google AdWords, and instantly think they're ready to conquer the world.

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Click Fraud

Is your PPC campaign getting sabotaged by fraudsters? Are you depleting 10%, 20%--even 40% of your budget on wasted clicks? How to catch these scammers with their hands in the cookie jar!

If you advertise in Pay Per Click Programs like Google's Adwords and Yahoo's Overture, someone is keeping you from maximizing your profits. If you pay those megabucks for every click and you always seem to be getting a little less than you put in, Stop and Consider . Could you be the victim of click fraud?

Pay per click is a 5.6 billion dollar industry in 2005. Industry estimates range between 10% to 40% of this figure to be caused by fraudulent clicks. It adds up to 500 million to 2 billion dollars of advertiser's precious dollars being wasted. That's a serious chunk of change, that you the PPC advertiser may be losing! Are we exaggerating the threat?

"Anyone who says this is not a real challenge is kidding you" says Search Engine giant Yahoo's executive John Slade referring to Click Fraud.

According to a Newsweek article, Google and Yahoo are struggling to adjust the definition of "good-faith click" and their policies, and methods of preventing this new type of fraud. While you are paying serious cash to Google and Yahoo, and they are "adjusting definitions", should you not ask yourself "Can I afford that loss of profitabity?" After all, it is your money. You may just be wasting 10%, 20% . even 40% of it to all the fraudsters .

How can such scum get away with their crime? Most E-Commerce entrepreneurs don't know about the existence of this kind of drain on their advertising budgets . Of the people who do know that their marketing budgets is getting depleted , many don't know that there is a way to fight back. They think it's too expensive to fight back, and way too technical. Cheaper to pay these pirates and highway men than to take steps to stop this crime. It's like tolerating merchandize theft. If steps are not taken to minimize it, it can destroy any business! Sadly, others who do end up fighting back, often choose expensive solutions that may or may not fix their problems but ultimately costs them serious ca dollarh. Every day, every month.

Imagine if you could track your visitors to see if this person coming into your site would buy or not, even as she comes to the first page. You could tell if she is a competitor out to deplete your budget, a disgruntled former employee out to make you waste your money or an AdSense fraud out to prey on you. And what if it's a legitimate user who is a qualified prospect ? Is she finding her experience a good one? Is she frustrated because she wants something, information or a particular item for purchase but is unable to buy. Is she so confused that she may just walk out on you by clicking away to another website?

Knowledge is power. What if you had the ultimate knowledge about your site visitor. Would you not have the ultimate power to improve your business? On an hourly basis if the need arose! Such knowledge could provide you the data to combat click fraud and to provide proof to Google that you are being defrauded. You could be collecting refund checks for up to 30% or even more for all the money wasted on these fraudsters. This could not only save you money by separating the frauds from the paying customers, this would allow you to know what your customers really want. And giving it to them!

We at Sofizar provide you with just such knowledge. But we do a lot better than that.we monitor your site and collect proof of you getting click defrauded. Our alarms trigger automatically and we manually verify that there is a problem. We are very mindful of our credibility with Google, so we present your case whenever we are genuinely convinced that the level of fraud is sufficient to warrant action. Once we reach that level, we take your case and pursue it, to our best effort. Additionally, the data that we acquire is always transparent. You can view it anytime and make appropriate decisions(such as request google to shut off a certain adsense publisher).

If you want the peace of mind to know that you are not spinning your advertising wheels you have to try out our click fraud service . And we are so confident in our ability to exceed expectations that we offer Performance Based Service. Here's what you will get:

a) An account with us, where we will set up your website with software to track visitors to your website. On our guaranteed secure, dedicated server.

b) Access to customizable reports that let you see the data that you want to see.

c) Unlimited email support.

d) A daily emailed report tracking the qualified users as well as the fraudsters.

e) Call back phone support.

You never have to pay unless we recover money or credits for you from the search engines. We will monitor your website, ferret out fraudulent clicks and prepare documentation to present to the search engine. You pay us ONLY when you receive refund or when you spend the credit from a search engine.

Limited Time Offer : If you sign up for this free service before May 1st 2005, we will waive all setup charges .

Bonus Offer : For a Limited time, we are including website Analytics and (Opt-in) Email tracking free for our PPC Click Fraud Clients.

Why Buy Click Fraud Services From Sofizar?

1> We use our own Web Analytics Engine to track visitors to your site. We can track a level of detail about your visitors that most of our competitors can not match. In their dreams. We have a statistical scoring algorithm qualified by Neural Nets based on 25+ criteria. Result: Sophisticated Click Fraud Detection.

2> We provide you Free "Web Analytics Services"* . You can track your "conversion", the countries of your visitors and the results of your email campaigns.

3> We provide "Free Setup"*. No need to pay those dollar100 or dollar200 just to tag your site. We do it for you.

4> We provide guaranteed 48 hour support.

5> We are Pay For Performance. Would you rather pay someone dollar79/month without any tangible ROI or would you pay us a reward for saving you your money?

For more information about click fraud visit: http://www.sofizar.com/click-fraud.php

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

Cleaning Tips - Their Usefulness To Website Visitors And The Cleaning Company

If you type into the search engines the phrase "cleaning tips" you get a choice of something like 14,800,000 websites to choose from and many of those websites will redirect you to scores of other websites. There are specific sites that are dedicated to giving hints, advice and tips on a variety of topics with seemingly no vested interest. Many of these tips are useful. However many cleaning companies include on their websites a cleaning tips page. I would argue that many of these are useless both to the visitor and to the company.

Why do they do it? To attract more visitors to their site? To gain more customers? The purpose of the website is to provide information to potential customers on the services and products the business provides. Every visitor should be a potential customer. If a visitor leaves without making an enquiry then you have to improve the website and or the services you provide. Or you are not using the right keywords so are attracting people in by default. It is not really your type of services that the person actually wants. No matter what you do you will always attract a certain number of these. What you actually require is lots of high quality visitors. The best way of achieving this is to provide the surfer with as much high quality content as you can whilst still accurately describing your own companies products and services accurately. Good content will go down well with the search engines and raise your profile on them, which in turn should drive quality visitors to your site. Hence improving sales.

This is the whole purpose of the website. For businesses it is purely a marketing tool and another method of gaining customers. So how do cleaning companies produce lots of high quality content? Many go for "frequently asked questions" which is quite a legitimate way of producing content whilst informing potential customers of things they are likely to want to know about you and your products and services. So we come to the "cleaning tips". A little research has demonstrated to me that well over half the cleaning companies with visible websites have at least a page on cleaning tips and some have multiple pages divided up into different categories. Try reading through these sometime. Carpet cleaning companies are the biggest users of these types of pages. How useful are they? Some of the tips provided by these carpet firms are quite useful, but the general cleaning companies leave a lot to be desired. Their cleaning tips are akin to those you might see on the TV reality programmes about cleaning. For example "make a paste with baking soda and vinegar and smear over your taps; wrap cling film around and leave over night. Scrape off in the morning." It may work but why would anybody want to do that when two minutes using phosphoric acid with the minimal of effort would achieve much better results? Do the cleaning companies themselves make use of any of these tips? You can bet your life that very few do. The object is to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible so for each job you choose the most effective and efficient cleaning product available. So why do they have these pages? They attract people who are not likely to be turned into customers because they are looking for ways to do it themselves. So it can only be for the purposes of attracting any visitor type. It is content and content about cleaning but very few companies are going to give away their actual methods of doing something quickly and efficiently which would be beneficial to the visitor instead they perpetuate old style cleaning methods which bear no resemblance to the modern world.

So for the web browser I would suggest that if you are looking for cleaning tips look elsewhere than at those provided by cleaning companies except possibly the carpet-cleaning firms. If you are a cleaning company looking to increase your content on your website look elsewhere than at providing a "cleaning tips" page. You can produce better and more relevant content than that unless you are prepared to give away your trade secrets!

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Citas a Ciegas

Para todo aquel que busque encontrar su alma gemela, media naranja, amor, enamorarse, un compañero de emociones o como quieras llamarlo es algo difícil de encontrar. Para algunos desde ya no es algo complicado, les ha pasado a los 15 años, 18, 22, en fin ya comparten el día y la mayor parte de sus vidas con alguien desde hace mucho. A otros, sin embargo les es más complicado y duro de encontrar.

La experiencia de las citas a ciegas es algo inolvidable, bueno o malo puede ser interesante. Como dicen, la experiencia es cuando no encuentras lo que buscas. Sin embargo hay casos en que esta experiencia se vuelve en lo que uno busca.

Si eres de aquellos que creen en que un amigo, familia o alguien que te conoce puede llegar a tener a alguien con el cual encuentres lo que buscas, la pregunta es ¿Por qué no probar?

En mi caso personal, experimente varias citas a ciegas y amigas mías también lo hicieron. Algunas fueron sorprendentes, en el sentido de buenas y otras de malas. Es como un juego de ruleta una pequeña probabilidad en muchas de que salgas feliz o que algo interesante salga de ello.

Una amiga de mi mama quiso que conozca al hermano de su nuera. Cuando llegue al lugar de la cita y lo vi, rápidamente me di cuenta de que no era para mi pero quizás podía pasar un buen rato. El chico, trajo consigo un poema que había escrito y quería decírmelo. Era una situación muy rara e incomoda ya que el y yo no concordábamos en nada y no teníamos nada que ver. El problema era que la amiga de mi mama no me conocía tanto, y creía que si. Es por eso que la cita no funciono.

En el caso de mi hermana, al mudarse a un país nuevo la única forma de conocer gente y chicos era por medio de citas. Lo gracioso de la historia es que la señora de la lavandería le propuso salir con su hijo y ella acepto. Al llegar a la cita el chico tenía labio leporino y era nada atractivo en su aspecto. Mi hermana no podía disimular no mirar a su labio y en el medio de la cita encontró a otro chico en la mesa de enfrente que le gusto.

Mi amigo, que es gay y yo salimos hace unas semanas a una fiesta con una amiga mía. Los dos se hicieron amigos y ella le comento que tiene un amigo de su clase de la universidad que también es gay y es muy lindo. Entonces arreglaron que por que no se conocían. AL final de la noche intercambiaron teléfonos y quedo ella en hablar con su amigo. Su amigo acepto y se llamaron. Al encontrarse los dos no tenían nada de lo que hablar y el otro para hacer la cita más corto no pudo disimular su desinterés y hacia todo rápido para irse antes.

En fin, las citas a ciegas son algo que debes hacer si la persona que los conecta los conoce bien y puede llegar a saber que te gustara de la otra persona o que buscas. Sin embargo no hay certeza de que saldrás contento de una forma u otra. Puede pasar que de casualidad la persona te encante y que si tienes la mente abierta saldrás ganando.

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Christian Message Boards Explained

Probably you’ve heard about Christian message boards, or perhaps you have participated in one of the most well-known Christian forums out there on the web. Well, on its most basic, the Christian message boards are by far the most active Christian discussion board on the internet these days. Its history dates back to the year 2001 when the said “first” Christian forum was developed.

According to some resources, the first message board that carries the “Christian” label was developed by Erwin Loh, an Australian doctor and lawyer, on November 19, 2001. After two months of preparation and discussion, the Kings Tavern, which was created by a person named Ryan Swift, also known as Josephus, merged with Christian Forums for one particular purpose – to help establish it as the largest Christian message board community in the world. The new Christian Forums was then re-launched on February 5, 2002, the day of the merger, to promote the unity of all Christians as one body.

The first Christian forums developed by Loh and Swift continue to grow. It grows even after Swift stepped down as co-admin. Along with its rise, the Christian message boards’ shared mission of promoting the unity of the Christian faith continues.

Currently, the site has more than 130,000 registered users and serves members from almost every country in the world. This re-launched Christian message board has more than a hundred administrators and moderators who are divided into staff teams that are named after the fruit of the Spirit of Galatians 5:22-23. This message board has been maintaining its motto, which is “Uniting All Christians as One Body”.

Swift and Loh’s Christian Forums actually has an extensive organization of forums. As far as I know, there are more than 400 Christian message boards today, many of which have their own sub-forums. It is further worth noting that some of these Christian message boards place limits on the users who can post on them. For instance, only teenagers have the chance to post in the Christian teen forum. It is important to note that many of these forums are only open to Christians.

Another thing of interest is the large number of options available to the users. Typically, in most Christian message boards, there is a rather extensive profile that users can fill out for themselves. Some profile information, like the age and faith icon, is used to identify access to particular forums. It is also typical in most Christian message boards to have its own currency called “blessings”, which can be given by other users or earned from jobs. This currency is regularly earned by posting on the forums. Also, blessings are used to add features like avatars and pictures to profiles, as well as to purchase armor, pets and other features that can show up on the user’s post.

Today, the Christian message boards developed by Swift and Loh are running a modified version of vBulletin. They also currently run on multiple separate web servers, a central database sever, a slave search server, a DNS server, a mail server, an IRC server and a static file server.

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Choosing The Right Merchant Account Provider

As a business owner, you want to succeed. You undoubtedly want to increase your sales and make more money. The best way to do this is to offer your customers the ability to pay for merchandise with their credit cards. Whether you operate your business in a physical location or online-only, allowing customers the option of credit card payment is logical. You will increase sales because of the convenience of the payment options you offer. The vast majority of shoppers, online and in person, prefer to pay with their credit cards. Opening a merchant account is the way to give your customers more payment options. But it is important that you find out as much as you can about merchant accounts and merchant account providers.

A merchant account is set up through a bank or an online merchant account provider for a retail or online organization in order to accept credit cards as payment from customers. A merchant account is not a bank account. The merchant account provider's job is to place the money you earn from credit card sales into your bank account. It used to be that merchant accounts were only offered by banks and providers to retail businesses that were located in a physical location. But with online shopping gaining popularity over the past several years, merchant account providers have started providing accounts to online business owners as well. Even though most banks still do not provide online merchant accounts due to the constant concern over credit card fraud, there are an increasing amount of online merchant account providers that offer services especially to those merchants that market their products online. Because of the high number of merchant account providers out there, it is important that you research all aspects of them, what services they provide, and especially the costs they impose, so that you don't lose precious profits.

When looking into merchant accounts and providers, be aware that there are two types pf payment processing that they will offer. These are manual and real-time processing. Manual processing requires that the credit card number be delivered through a phone transaction, fax transaction, or an online order form. The order is processed manually by contacting the payment processing company (through an Internet connection) to verify the credit card number, or by using a point of sale machine to swipe the card at the time of purchase. This type of processing is more secure, less costly, and ideal for a low-volume merchant in a physical store location. Real-time processing is perfect for web-based merchants because the credit card is immediately processed at the time an order is placed. Pending verification and approval of the credit card, the customer receives notification (via e-mail) that his or her order is accepted and fund transfer is approved. This is the less secure of the two processing options.

There are costs associated with opening and sustaining a merchant account. Not all of the fees are necessary, and not all merchant account providers will charge them. One type of cost is the application fee, which covers the costs of processing your application, whether you open an account or not. A number of merchant account providers will waive the fee if you decide to open an account. And some merchant account providers do not charge this fee at all. There is often an annual fee associated with a merchant account as well. Merchant account providers charge this fee simply for holding an account with them. Another common fee is the statement fee, a monthly fee that can be as much as $25 per month, and is supposedly imposed by the account providers in order to cover their own costs. Yet another fee is the discount rate, which the merchant account provider earns from each of your sales, usually between 2 and 4 percent. The fixed transaction fee, like the discount fee, is also based on each sale, but the provider takes the same amount regardless of the cost of the product purchased, usually .20-.30. Usually, buried in the fine print of your agreement with your provider is a termination fee. Because some providers require a lengthy commitment period more than 2 years, this fee applies if you cancel your account early. There are also various miscellaneous fees that are levied on your account. Often, these charges are withdrawn if a customer requests a refund, and wants the amount credited back to their card. There are many costs associated with an online merchant account, and it can cut into your profits. It is important that you evaluate different the merchant account providers you are interested in so that you save yourself money down the line. You can also use your current sales information to guesstimate the costs of your merchant account.

More than likely, you will have a long relationship with your merchant account provider. Therefore, you should have the utmost trust and confidence in them. Your provider should offer various services that will give you options in making your business transactions run smoothly. They should be able to accommodate several brands of credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, etc.), in addition to providing other payment alternatives, such as PayPal. They should have a record of impeccable service and reliability. They should also be first-rate customer service providers. Any problems should be handled discreetly and quickly. Despite the seeming necessity of having a merchant account provider, it can make or break your business with its fees and service. That is why it is important to know the ins and outs of a merchant account provider, and to choose one carefully.

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Choosing The Right Directory

When you're looking for the right directory to list in or to use for research, it can be a nightmare. Everyone thinks of Yahoo!, of course, but there are quite literally thousands of other directories out there, many specialized, others not. How can you tell the difference?

By being educated on what you're looking for. When you're looking for the right directories to list in, use the following guidelines.

1. Everyone lists in free directories. Why not? You can list in as many as you want, and you're not losing anything by doing so. Free directories include Yahoo! and Dmoz, as well as hundreds of others who either use their own listings or license listings from Yahoo! and Dmoz. You shouldn't stop here, though, especially if you're running a commercial website.

2. The more directories you're listed in, the more inbound links to your website you've got. And the more inbound links your website has, the higher the search engines will rank your page. Make sure when you create your directory listing to use your keywords in the text; in some search engines, this will help your ranking as well.

3. Some of the free directories are not being listed well by Google and other standard search engines. This is not because of some nefarious competitive advantage, but because the free directories often look like search engine spam or because they don't optimize their sites well. The paid directories are careful to watch for this; after all, the more hits they get, the more they can charge for their services.

4. After listing in all the free directories – which you should, as it costs you nothing but a little time – you should start listing in the better paid directories. Even though you have to pay to get in them, they give you an edge that the free ones don't. For one thing, they're more exclusive, and customers won't be looking at your competitors as much. For another, as noted above, the directory will probably place higher in a search engine. And they tend to be specialized. If you sell medical equipment, listing in a medical equipment directory will almost certainly be a worthwhile investment.

5. If you list in really good and specific directories with proven traffic from customers you want to draw, you're investing your money in the right place. A few good quality links will draw the perfect customers for your business. Finding the right directory is hard, but search for directories that specialize in your industry and in industries that cross into yours; for instance, if you provide medical equipment, don't overlook listings for scientific and laboratory equipment.

6. The next generation of directories is here now. With sites like MSN's Small Business Directory, targeted searching for exactly what you want is easier than ever before. In addition, many of the newer directories offer you additional small business tools, more information, specialized content for your industry, and many other services. You'll only find these with paid directories.

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Choosing One Internet Opportunity - The 4 Essential Criteria

Everyone dreams of the perfect business, one where you just sit back and collect cheques for doing nothing. Some unscrupulous Internet businesses would have you believe that this is possible. It is not possible, and it never was.

The Internet marketplace is becoming more crowded every day. There are soon going to be more Internet marketing companies than there are punters. Most Internet marketing consists of selling Internet marketing opportunities. The punter has seen it all before. The only people who fall for this ploy are total novices who still believe in fairies and treasure at the end of the rainbow.

What should you look for in a genuine Internet marketing or home business opportunity?

1. A tangible product that is totally unrelated to selling Internet marketing opportunities.

2. An affiliate scheme that gives you your own website.

3. A recognition by the provider that you must spend some cash promoting your affiliate link.

4. No up-front fee

Let’s consider these points one at a time:

1. Tangible products can be as diverse as selling Self-Improvement courses and Personal Wedding Sites, but there must be one, otherwise you are just putting all your hopes into a Multi-Level Marketing scheme that is doomed to fail.

2. Affiliate schemes pay you a percentage of the price paid by the customer. Affiliate schmemes can make money, but 97 out of every 100 affiliates never make a cent because they fail to recognise the need to promote their affiliate link. You only earn money from people who buy by following your affiliate link.

3. Many affiliate schemes grow by providing a free website and going along with theoptimistic idea that all websites are found by search engines and that every one will make money. Search engines only find sites that have links pointing to them. If a search engine finds 2,000 identical sites, it only displays one, and that does not give you a lot of chance to sell anything.

4. All information is available for free on the Internet. An extremely small number of people have anything worthwhile to say that is not freely available. Those that do charge thousands of dollars for it, not $39.97. You are paying for promotion of the product, why should you pay for the opportunity to spend your money on advertising.

One more tip:

· Beware Information Overload. Research, choose one scheme and stick with it until it is earning money and no longer requires time spending on it. Only then should you join a new affiliate scheme. All schemes will make money if they are properly promoted. Avoid changing horses in the middle of the race. Avoid the temptation offered by this week’s offering from some guru, who claims that his product offering will change the face of the Internet over the next three months, but that you must join immediately, or miss the benefits.

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Choosing One Internet Opportunity - The 4 Essential Criteria

Everyone dreams of the perfect business, one where you just sit back and collect cheques for doing nothing. Some unscrupulous Internet businesses would have you believe that this is possible. It is not possible, and it never was.

The Internet marketplace is becoming more crowded every day. There are soon going to be more Internet marketing companies than there are punters. Most Internet marketing consists of selling Internet marketing opportunities. The punter has seen it all before. The only people who fall for this ploy are total novices who still believe in fairies and treasure at the end of the rainbow.

What should you look for in a genuine Internet marketing or home business opportunity?

1. A tangible product that is totally unrelated to selling Internet marketing opportunities.

2. An affiliate scheme that gives you your own website.

3. A recognition by the provider that you must spend some cash promoting your affiliate link.

4. No up-front fee

Let’s consider these points one at a time:

1. Tangible products can be as diverse as selling Self-Improvement courses and Personal Wedding Sites, but there must be one, otherwise you are just putting all your hopes into a Multi-Level Marketing scheme that is doomed to fail.

2. Affiliate schemes pay you a percentage of the price paid by the customer. Affiliate schmemes can make money, but 97 out of every 100 affiliates never make a cent because they fail to recognise the need to promote their affiliate link. You only earn money from people who buy by following your affiliate link.

3. Many affiliate schemes grow by providing a free website and going along with theoptimistic idea that all websites are found by search engines and that every one will make money. Search engines only find sites that have links pointing to them. If a search engine finds 2,000 identical sites, it only displays one, and that does not give you a lot of chance to sell anything.

4. All information is available for free on the Internet. An extremely small number of people have anything worthwhile to say that is not freely available. Those that do charge thousands of dollars for it, not $39.97. You are paying for promotion of the product, why should you pay for the opportunity to spend your money on advertising.

One more tip:

· Beware Information Overload. Research, choose one scheme and stick with it until it is earning money and no longer requires time spending on it. Only then should you join a new affiliate scheme. All schemes will make money if they are properly promoted. Avoid changing horses in the middle of the race. Avoid the temptation offered by this week’s offering from some guru, who claims that his product offering will change the face of the Internet over the next three months, but that you must join immediately, or miss the benefits.

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Chitika Means Big Cash For Publishers

There are hundreds of thousands of websites on the Internet that are missing out on big money. With the emergence of the new Chitika eMiniMalls advertising company, these websites could be bringing in hundreds of dollars a day, and they don't even know it.

For years people have built websites around their passions, whether is was Mustang Cobras or food processors. These websites existed solely because the person that created them had a passion for that subject.

With the introduction of Chitika, these websites now have an opportunity to finally cash in from all of the selfless hard work that has been put into them. If they've been around a while, they most likely have a decent amount of backlinks and indexed pages, which equates to more traffic.

Publishers shouldn't waste any longer registering at Chitika eMiniMalls (chitika.com). While waiting for approval, these publishers should visit publisher forums and learn as much as possible about ad placement, colors and how to select their products.

Of course, if their website is all about coffee cups, they'd be best off selecting items that relate to coffee cups! But they should also be willing to think outside of the box a little. Items such as coffee grinders, decorative spoons and even coffee makers could be potential money makers.

Once they are approved, they should waste no time getting their ads onto their sites. If they've used a good blogging program or other CMS-type program, getting the ads to replicate throughout all the currently existing pages shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

If you've been publishing a website for a few years about a product or subject that you're passionate about, but you aren't making anything off of it, it's time for you to check out Chitika!

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Chinese Games; Games with Chinese Origins

The Chinese culture has a significant influence on the American gambling industry. Many of todays popular casino games were introduced to American casinos by Chinese immigrants. In this review, you can read about some of the most popular Chinese gambling games that had a successful immigration to the West.

Pai Gow Poker

Pai Gow Poker is a hybrid of American poker and traditional Chinese tiles game called Pai Gow. The original tile game Pai Gow, which means Make 9, is one of the most ancient gambling games that are still available in cotemporary casinos. Pai Gow Poker is played with playing cards instead of tiles and it uses the traditional poker hand ranking. It is one of the most popular casino games worldwide and it can be found in almost every major casino in the US. Its online version can be played at most casinos on the internet.

The object of the Pai Gow Poker is to form the highest possible two poker hands, one five card hand and a two card hand, out of the seven cards dealt to each player. Each player competes against the banker that can be either the casino dealer or one of the players who can afford paying the players winnings.

Sic Bo

Sic Bo is yet another popular casino game with roots that go back to ancient China. The chance game came to the States around the beginning of the 20th century by Chinese immigrants. It can be played in most land based casinos in Macau, the US and the UK. Sic Bo has an online version as well.

The meaning of Sic Bo is Dice Pair. It is played with three standard dice on a special table. Each player places any number of bets on the table and then tosses the dice. The outcome is determined by the combinations of the three dice. Each combination has a different payoff according to a payoff schedule, which vary from one casino to the other.

Fan Tan

Fan Tan used to be the most popular gambling game among Chinese gamblers but the glory days of Fan Tan have already passed. During the 1890s, Chinese immigrants brought the game to the United States. At that time, every Chinatown in American City had several Fan Tan houses that were always full of enthusiastic gamblers. Nowadays, you can find Fan Tan in some casinos in Macau as well as in some online gaming sites.

Traditional Fan Tan, not to be confused with the card game of the same name, used to be played with any objects such as coins, dried beans or small buttons on a table with a square marked on it. Fan Tan. The object of the game is pretty simple and odds are 1: 4.

The play begins with the banker puts on the table a pile of objects then covers them with a bowl. Each player has to bet on one of the numbers that mark the four sides of the square, or on one of the corners of the square. After the bowl is removed, the croupier removes four of the objects each time until the last group remains. If 1 object is left, then the player who placed a bet on 1 wins the pot, and so on.


Mahjong is probably the biggest inherit of Chinese culture to the gaming world. The ancient Chinese tile game has many variants worldwide including variety of online games. According to the myth, Mahjong was developed by Confucius around the 500 BC. The game was brought to the United States during the 1920s and soon was very popular especially among women. The game was played in Chinese style decorated rooms with waiters wearing traditional customs.

The American version of Mahjong was developed during the 1930s and it is played in America until today. At the same time, the National Mahjong league was founded. In addition to American Mahjong, there are Japanese, Vietnamese, Cantonese and other variations of the game, which vary from one to the other by their scoring structure, number of tiles and rules variants. In 1998, the China State Sports Commission had set a standard set of rules that will differentiate the illegal gambling game from the skill game.

Mahjong Solitaire, the online version of Mahjong, gains wide popularity recently. The online version of the classic Chinese game is a matching game that uses the Mahjong tiles. Online Mahjong games can be found in many online gaming sites in variety of layouts and versions.

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Checklist Before Starting a Home Based Busines

When you are looking for a home business opportunity, it is important to make sure that you are aware of all that you will be required to bring to the equation. This can help save you a lot of confusion and money by avoiding opportunities that require too much from you to get started. Here is a checklist of thing that you should consider before selecting a home business opportunity.

1. Do you need to get a license to run the business? Many states require that businesses get a license before they are allowed to open. This includes home businesses in many locations. Check with your local government agencies to see what you will need to have in place to start your own home business.

2. Do you need a zoning permit? If you have a home business opportunity that requires doing actual business with the public, you are going to need to make sure that you will not be in violation of any zoning laws. Most cities have very strict residential zoning requirements and it is not hard to violate them. Make sure that the type of business you want to start will be acceptable to run at your current location.

3. How much equipment will you need to buy? You’ll need to know exactly how much money you’re going to have to spend to get your business operational. While some home business opportunities require just a computer, others may need a special printer, extra software, additional gadgets or even heavy equipment. This can add up in a short period of time. Make sure that you are aware of all the expenses that you will incur before you start up.

4. Do you have enough space in your home to devote to your business? Running an informational company is one thing, but if you are going to be stocking products in your home, you’re going to need enough space. For tax purposes, you’re also going to have to have a room that is completely devoted to your home business. This means no kid’s toys, or anything from your normal family life can intrude on this room. If you don’t have this kind of space you may need to add on to your home to accommodate your business.

5. Will you need to purchase any insurance? If you are doing business with the public at your home, you will need to get liability insurance. This will help protect you if anyone falls on your property or injures themselves in anyway. If you will be storing products, you will need to have them insured in case there is a flood or they get damaged in any way.

Lastly, you may want to consider business protection insurance that will help you in the event of any copyright infringement claims or other common complaints. Don’t forget your own health insurance, or any insurance that you may need to provide for employees. This can add up quickly and increase your overall start up costs.

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Cheap Magazine Subscriptions: The Perfect Gift

Imagine giving a gift to someone you love which can be distributed equally through out the year and he or she can enjoy the gift for a really long time! If that is your idea for a gift, then cheap magazine subscriptions are an excellent way to get started. I this idea sounds new to you, you will be surprised to know that it has been around for quite some time and today there are dedicated websites which cater to such gifting ideas.

A person fond of reading will find cheap magazine subscriptions the perfect gift both to give as well as to receive. You can also choose from a wide range of topical magazines and sometimes it is better to gift a magazine to a person on subject matter they do not know much about as that helps in creating a long lasting interest in the magazines.

One of the fastest ways to subscribe to a magazine is to do it online. Readers Digest was one of the first magazines (if you can call it that) to popularize the gifting of subscription to friends and family. This trend has caught on since then and it is an excellent gesture as it surpasses the boundary of age. Magazines are available for teenagers’ right up to senior citizens.

It is also difficult to choose gifts for people who have everything ( or that is what we think) and magazine subscriptions are something that may not come to mind as a conventional present. The only problem is that the gift should reach the recipient on time!

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Carpool to Save the Environment and Reduce Traffic while Saving Money

Are you tired of traffic jams, increasing air pollution and ever increasing fuel prices? Do you want to do something about all this?

Now you can by forming a carpool. Indimoto has launched Indimoto.com an auto classifieds site which is also India’s first carpool matching site. A carpool or rideshare is an arrangement wherein people share their vehicles with other carpoolers and commute together. “The objective behind Indimoto.com was to build an auto classifieds site where users can buy and sell cars and bikes, auto products and services, search for auto events, auto clubs and carpools. Our carpool matching service is the first of its kind in India and through it we wish to enable commuters to easily form carpools and enjoy its benefits while contributing to saving the environment” says Udit Bhandari, founder & CEO Indimoto.com.

According to Udit “Carpools make lot of sense because you save money by sharing fuel costs, vehicle maintenance cost & parking fee, you save the environment by saving fuel and reducing harmful exhaust gases while reducing traffic congestion. By carpooling you also expand your network of friends/contacts”. Indimoto.com allows users to search carpool offers and requests in his/her city, and also start ones own carpool by posting a free ad in the carpool section.

“With growing air pollution levels in our metro cities, manic traffic jams and increasing burden of fuel prices on commuter’s wallets, there are only two alternatives, public transport or carpools. Public transport infrastructure is not yet a comfortable and logical alternative to private transport for many urban commuters and that’s where carpools come in. Also carpools generate a sense of community and caring for your environment” says Udit. Carpools are a common phenomenon in the developed world often supported by city and state government for the many advantages they offer. Indimoto.com has taken the initiative in India wants to make it a habit amongst Indian commuters.

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Caribbean Stud Poker: How to Play

Caribbean Stud Poker is gradually gaining in popularity as compared to its stud twin: Texas Holdem mainly because it is an easier game to learn and you can play it face to face and still enjoy.

Originating in the Caribbean and based loosely on five card stud poker rules, this game offers a fan alternative to traditional table games with an opportunity to place a side bet and hit a big jackpot too. Some of these jackpots are progressive and you can win millions of dollars if you break those machines or tables..

What is Caribbean Stud?
It is not a traditional poker game in the sense that you play against the other players and the best player wins the pot. Caribbean stud belongs to the family of games including Pai Gow poker, Let it Ride and Three Card poker for example, where your opponent is the dealer and your goal is to form a better poker hand than the dealers hand. However, basic knowledge of traditional poker hand ranking is required.

The Rules of Playing Caribbean Stud:
1) The game begins with the players placing an ante bet at the same amount as the table minimum on the ante circle on the table.
2) At the same time, you should decide whether to place an additional side bet for the progressive jackpot.
3) Then, the dealer deals each player five face down cards plus four face down cards and one up to himself.
4) After looking at your cards, you should decide whether to fold or to call. If you decide to call, you should place an additional bet double the amount of your former ante bet.
5) After all the players have made their decisions, the dealer shows his hand. In order to qualify in a Caribbean stud poker game, the dealer must have an ace and a king or better. If he does not qualify, you will be paid back your ante bet but the call bet is a push.
6) If the dealers hand qualifies, he compares hands against each of the players individually. If his hand is better than yours is, you lose both your ante and your call bets.
7) If your hand is better than the dealers hand, you would be paid even money for your ante while for your call you would be paid according to a paytable. The paytable can vary from one casino to another. Generally, US casinos pay out 50:1 on a straight flush; 20:1 on four of a kind; 7:1 on full house; 5:1 on a flush; 4:1 on a straight; 3:1 on three of a kind; 2:1 on two pairs and even money on one pair or less.
In case your hand and the dealers hand are even, both ante and raise will push.

One of the reasons that Caribbean stud poker is so popular is the option of placing a one dollar side bet and winning a large progressive jackpot prize. In order to qualify for the bonus payout you should have a flush or better. For a flush, you would be paid a 50 dollars bonus and in order to win the jackpot that usually resets from 10,000 dollars, you must have a royal flush. However, your chances to hit a royal flush are estimated as about 650,000 to 1, therefore I would recommend skipping it.

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Can You Really Generate Internet Wealth Without A Website?

The word’s out that it’s possible to make a good income from the internet without even owning a website.

It’s an appealing proposition, but is it too good to be true? I used to think so. But now I know differently...

Have you noticed the ads down the right side of the Google search results screen? Those little squares of text are changing the face of the internet. They are changing the way we use it, and the way we can earn from it.

These are “Pay per Click” ads. When you click on them, the owner of the ad pays. Usually something between a cent and a few dollars.

Welcome to the Wealthy World of AdWords

The bare facts: If you have a good product to sell, and know how to write an eye catching ad, you can make money on the internet without a website.

The harsh reality: You can run up a huge bill and sell nothing if you don’t know what you’re doing.

The secret: Finding the right product, and getting that ad to work without costing you a fortune in costly clicks that don’t result in sales - that's the secret to success.

The AdWords Academy

Google runs an online training school for adwords that takes you step-by-step through the process of how to set up an ad and get it running. It’s a good way of learning the basics... But if you are serious about earning money and saving time by stepping round a huge and costly learning curve, you could do with consulting the experts.

One such expert is Wade Winger, author of the Google Profits ebook. Following his advice I have a campaign up and running and getting clicks for just pennies a day.

The Google Proftis ebook gives excellent step-by-step guidance on the two sides of the Google money making coin.

The two-step Google Profit Process

1. find a good product to sell

In this case - ebooks that pay affiliate commissions. There are literally 1,000’s out there and they often pay around 50% of the full selling price to affiliates. Wade’s recommended source and system is Clickbank and I agree with him.

Google Profits takes you step-by-step, with screenshots, through the process of setting up a ClickBank account and choosing products to sell.

2. make Google ads work for you

Most of us get nervous when it comes to committing to a paid for ad service that we barely understand. Google Profits is the highway code of the AdWords system. Once you know the “rules of the road” everything becomes less daunting and more doable.

The Google Profits ebook even gives working examples to follow, and tells you how to tweak your ads to get you more clicks for less money.

I’d love to hint at Wade’s secret formula that makes sure you get results without having to worry about running costly test campaigns - but I’d probably have a law suit on my hands!

Instead I’m inviting you over to find out more about Google Profits on our Health & Wealth ebooks site.

Happy profiteering!

Can You Make Money With A Turnkey Business Website?

There are lots of ways to start making money online, but all come with a cost. You can spend the time to learn about html, website design and scripts, and build your own website, or join an opportunity which gives you a sales site identical to everyone elses, but there is another way.

You can buy a turnkey business website. This is a prebuilt website which is all ready to take orders, and make you money, but can you really make money with these sites?

The simple answer is yes you can make money with a prebuilt website, and it will help you to cut a lot of corners in getting started in your own online business. With a turnkey website there is no need to learn all the geeky stuff behind the scenes, as long as you buy from a reputable seller, the site should be ready to update with your details in a simple admin panel, and start making sales.

There are a lot of different turnkey website packages available, and you'd need to do a little research to find out what is best for you. Do you want to own a sales site selling digital products, be an affiliate for another company with a prebuilt store updated from the main companies website, or do you want to try making money with Google Adsense?

Once you have decided what kind of website you want, you can then purchase a turnkey website which does what you want it to. Then your work begins. Unless you pay the extra for a site which is already developed, which could run into thousands of dollars, you will be buying a site which is all setup, but has no traffic. You will need to do the work to get a steady stream of traffic to your site, but this is the case with any business, you will need to bring in your potential customers. This will involve doing link exchanges, advertising and promoting your website address to get people to your site to turn into customers. An advantage of a turnkey site is that the copy will have been written by a profesional, so it should have a higher conversion rate than a site you built by yourself, making it easier to turn browsers into customers.

If you want a shortcut to owning a website business online, then turnkey sites are well worth looking into. Just make sure you know what you want before you purchase and don't believe you will be able to buy a site, kickback and do nothing but watch the money pour in, you will still have to build your business the same as any other and put in some effort to get customers.

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Can You Build An Opt-In Niche List With Adwords?

Something has really gotten under my skin, and I can't sit back and let it go any longer!

You see, people used to build e-mail lists in many niche markets through pay per click search engines such as Google Adwords. Now, Adwords has gotten a bit tougher to use, and thus, building an e-mail list in any niche market has become tougher as well...

...But it's still one of the best ways to build an e-mail list in any niche!

I repeat, pay per click (PPC) search engines such as Google Adwords is still an extremely effective way to build an e-mail list in any niche market.

Lets discuss why...

The main arguement is that these PPC's have gotten too expensive. Well, you can set a daily maximum spending amount in Google Adwords! If you can only afford to spent $5 a day, then you can set it so you spend no more than $5 a day.

Sure, your niche list will grow slower than someone spending $200 a day, but who cares! With the benefits you get from such targeted and responsive subscribers, you'll soon be spending $200 building your niche e-mail list as well.

Another argument is that it's better to spend money on Google Adwords becoming an affiliate for something and sending traffic directly to them.

Why not give them your left arm as well!

You're spending money promoting their niche product, why should they get the main benefit of the money you spend? And take a look at their site, almost all have some mechanism for collecting e-mail addresses.

You need a landing page that relates to your niche topic, that collects e-mail addresses, and the best way to advertise this page and get subscribers is through sites like Google Adwords.

Don't listen to people saying you can't build a niche e-mail list this way, or it's too expensive. It's not, and I do it all day in dozens of different markets.

Build your landing page, get subscribers, and give them great information and resources and they'll be your customers for life.

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Can The Average Person Really Make A Living Online?

Article Body:
Can you really make money online? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

First, though, you need to understand how this game really works.

The right mindset is crucial to your success.

You’ve probably come across numerous business opportunities already. I know you’re actively searching for information. I hope you haven’t become jaded already by the con artists out there who make false promises.

The fact is you can profit significantly and, yes, even quickly once you learn the right way to do business online. So, approach this article with an open mind.

What E-Commerce is really all about

There’s nothing magic about the Internet. It’s really just another medium of communication. The difference between doing business online versus doing business in a brick and mortar establishment is this:

1. Your potential customer base spans across the globe if you so desire. You aren’t limited by your location.

2. Your business operates 24/7. You can still make sales even when the workday ends.

3. Your overhead is significantly lower than it would be in a traditional business, and the barriers to entry are lower as well.

4. You can create non-traditional businesses which will have no parallel in the offline world.

As an online entrepreneur, you also enjoy a wider range of options in number of products you sell, their method of delivery and your profit margin after expenses.

Sounds great, right? It truly is an ideal situation for the small, home based business owner; but don’t quit your job just yet.

An online business requires just as much focus and dedication to get off the ground as any other business, so forget about working at home in your underwear right off the bat.

The first thing you need to do is investigate your options. What type of business can you start online? Which businesses are the easiest to set up?

If you already possess some business knowledge and common sense, you’re off to a great start. The real challenge comes when you start translating this knowledge to match the rules of online commerce. The game is played a bit differently on the internet than it is on the streets.

Newcomers often have difficulty sorting out the differences between business models versus business strategies.

Here are some of the most common online business models:

1. Selling tangible goods (ie, Ebay)

2. Selling information products (intangible/downloaded)

3. Affiliate marketing

It takes a certain personality to thrive in any one of these. Let’s take a look at the traits associated with each.

The Seller of Tangible Goods

This type of entrepreneur usually possesses previous experience in the retail industry, though it is not totally necessary to have previous experience in order to succeed. However, an inexperienced online retailer faces the biggest learning curve.

In order to sell tangible goods, you’ll need to learn the ins and outs of wholesale for product sourcing. You’ll need to learn how to set the optimal price point for your products to remain profitable and competitive. You must deal with shipping and returns.

If you run a one-person operation, it will be near impossible to ship products in the necessary volume. In this case, you’ll need to find companies which can “drop ship” your product. Drop shipping is a fulfillment service.

This sounds ideal – but be forewarned. Most real wholesalers have minimum order requirements and will not ship single items.

Drop ship wholesalers who do ship single items often mark up their prices and you end up paying at least 10%-15% above the true wholesale cost. This isn’t a small price to pay when your objective is competitive pricing. Even a small mark up can kill your profit margin.

If you choose this route, be prepared for a lot of hard work! Online retail requires persistence, patience, strategic planning and a high degree of risk.

The Seller of Intangible/Information Products

Information products present an good opportunity for small, home-based business owners. Your costs of development and overhead are low, while your potential profit margin is high.

You will need a new skill set if you choose this path. Primarily, you will need to learn good copywriting skills and how to sell people on what they desire, not on what they think they need. It’s relatively simple to entice a visitor to purchase, say, an MP3 player when they’re already looking for one. This doesn’t require convincing sales copy.

An information product, though, does require good copy. You’re asking your potential customer to invest in a product they aren’t familiar with – something they can’t see or touch or play with like a tangible product.

Information marketing is very much “all in the mind”. It rests on your ability to stir up people’s passions and secret wishes. If you pride yourself on seeing “the big picture” and have the heart of a teacher or communicator, information marketing could be the right choice for you.

The Affiliate Marketer

Being an affiliate marketer can be the Ideal business for most people. They make a living selling products they do not own. Profits come from commissions paid on sales that they refer to other merchants.

A good affiliate can reap an enormous full-time income marketing a whole suite of products that he does not own. He doesn’t pay for product creation, doesn’t have to ship anything and doesn’t deal with customer service issues or returns.

One major skill an affiliate marketer needs to develop as is the ability to generate highly targeted traffic. You also need to learn how to capture that traffic and do a bit of extra selling before they hit the merchant’s site.

If you don’t capture the visitor’s e-mail address, they’re gone for good – and you’ll get stuck trying to generate volumes of traffic over and over again just to capture enough “luck of the draw” sales to get by. It’s like throwing your ad budget down a hole.

If you want to make money online, there are two ways to go about it. The first is trial and error, spending hundreds of hours in front of your computer, buying e-books and struggling perhaps a year or two before you make a dime. The second and best way is to learn from someone who has already achieved success online and can coach and guide you every step of the way.

But beware, there are many out there who will sell you garbage e-books and courses full of ideas on how to make money on the internet, but most fall short of giving you an easy to follow and workable plan. Especially if your a newbie to internet marketing.

I know first hand about this because I spent a full year struggling to make money on the internet. I bought almost every so called Guru system out there only to be let down and was still left struggling to make money. But my determination to make a living on the internet paid off and now I produce a fantastic full time income for my family solely from my online affiliate business.

Whether your a newbie or have been struggling for some time, you can achieve online success too if you don't give up and learn the right skills from a proven Internet Wealth Building Coach.
Just stay focused, proactive and stay positive - and soon you’ll be well on your way to making outstanding money online!

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Are Your Subscribers Receiving Your Newsletter?

In my e-mail one day, I received the following message: "Hello, I am a subscriber to your ezine and received the attached e-mail. Please advise if this is actually from your website. Thank you."

The attachment was from my mailing list program. It was informing my dear subscriber that since her mail kept bouncing, "I`m not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long."

1. The Problem

Why was my newsletter bouncing? My mailing list program reports receiving this message: "...The information presently available to AOL indicates this server is transmitting unsolicited e-mail to AOL. Based on AOL`s Unsolicited Bulk E-mail policy at http://www.aol.com/info/bulkemail.html AOL cannot accept further e-mail transactions from this server. Please have your ISP/ASP or server admin call AOL at 1-888-212-5537, or visit http://postmaster.info.aol.com for more information."

Basically, I was being accused of sending unsolicited commercial e-mail. This was a double opt-in subscriber. I don`t do spam!

America Online, Inc. (AOL) had blocked my subscriber from receiving the e-zine she requested. About fifteen percent of my subscribers use an AOL e-mail address. Not only am I adversely affected, but my AOL subscribers are not getting their e-mails.

In contacting AOL sales and technical support, I found myself against a brick wall. Although, I was repeatedly offered a free trial to their service, they were unable to help me regain my subscriber.

"Why don`t you contact your subscriber and have them whitelist your e-mail address?" How? All I have is her AOL e-mail address and everything I send to her fails. Believe me, I`ve tried. (You could use another e-mail address, I suppose, to trick AOL, but why should you have to?)

Of course, they absolutely refused to remove the block against me. (If you would like to learn more about AOL, try the search terms "AOL" and "AOL sucks" in a major search engine.)

By the way, it isn`t just AOL that is doing this. Some other major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are doing the same thing. As well, some popular e-mail software programs also filter out wanted e-mails.

2. Some Solutions

If your subscribers are not receiving your newsletter, here are some things you can do to alleviate the problem.

1. Warn your subscribers. On your newsletter signup page, explain why they might not receive your e-zine. Explain about e-mail filters; ask them to whitelist your domain, not only to bypass the ISP spam filters but also to allow mail through any e-mail software they may have.

2. Try to avoid using words that trigger spam filters. Personally, I don`t like this one; it smacks of violating my right to free speech, freedom of the press, et cetera. (Yes, I know. With rights come responsibilities. However, I am acting responsibly!) As a practical matter, though, it`s something you have to consider. (I had my newsletter checked by a popular spam checker and it passed with flying colours.)

3. Send a text e-mail informing your subscribers that the current issue of your newsletter is available online at your website. (It could also be a good move to have an archive of past issues there, too, to boost your content and search engine rankings).

4. Consider using alternative ways of communicating. For example, you might try Really Simple Syndication (RSS).

Oh, by the way, my replies (with read receipt requested) to my dear subscriber`s e-mail address appear to never have made it. To her I say: "If you`re out there somewhere, please re-subscribe. You might want to think about using a different e-mail address, though."